055 4298 471-72
09:30AM - 02:00PM
Monday to Friday
123 456 789
Goldsmith Hall
New York, NY 90210
07:30 - 19:00
Monday to Friday
- Students should come to school with the uniform according to prescribed uniform list set by the school’s management.
- The winter outfit (uniform) need to effective from 15th November until 14th March.
- The summer outfit (uniform) need to effective from 15th March until 14th November.
- The sports uniform and the sports shoes (white only) are not allowed unless the student has P.E. class or sports activities this day. The student may use black jogger or shoes in routine days.
- Only small ear pins of golden colour needs to allow form grade VI I to X female students.
- Sanctions will be taken in the case of no respect of the uniform. No ornaments are allowed in school.
- No nose pin is allowed. The female students may use black abbaya but not black gown and vail.
- Sanctions will impose in the case of no respect of the uniform.
- A. 1st remark Warning.
- B. 2nd remark >>>> Fine 50/- Rs.
- C. 3rd delay >>>> Calling parents.
- Outside the school, the uniform is the sign of membership to Oasis International High school. The student should show at any moment that they are worthy to belong to Oasis International High school.
- For any problem concerning the uniform, the students must contact the H M or Discipline In charge.