Sector-3 Canal View Housing Scheme, Gujranwala

Admissions of students without regard to race, color

055 4298 471-72

Sector 3,

Canal View, Grw

09:30AM - 02:00PM

Monday to Friday

123 456 789

Goldsmith Hall

New York, NY 90210

07:30 - 19:00

Monday to Friday

School Policy & Rules

School Policies & Rules


The 3rd week of March is considered as an orientation week for students. There will be a regular classes from Last week of March.


  • The students will come to every morning starting from 7-30 am in summer opening hours of the doors. Before 07.oo am the students will not be supervised.
  • Punctuality is the first duty of the pupil.
  • At 7-35 am all the students should form a line for the flag hoisting and morning assembly. It is an important moment of the day; the students should attend this moment and must have a respectful behavior during the national anthem.



Will be regarded as latecomers the students who will arrive between 7-30am and 8.30am Sanctions:

  1. 1st delay>>>>> Warning
  2. 2nd delay>>>>>2nd Warning
  3. 3rd delay>>>>>Fine 50/- Rs
  4. 4th delay >>>> the student will be sent home.


  1. Any absence must be explained within 24 hours. No student will be authorized to absent from the class unless a written explanation on specified school form is submitted to the class in charge with the date and the parent’s signature.
  2. After an absence of more than 3 days for disease, a medical certificate will be required.
  3. Absence without intimation fine 50/-Rs per absence will be charged. Parents will inform personally about the absence on a leave application form.
  4. Long absence for continual two weeks will struck off the name of your ward. A readmission will be recommended only on charging the readmission fee.
  5. Leave on Friday and Monday will not be recommended. A fine of 100/- Rs. will be charged on without prior approved leave on that days.


  1. Bringing of dangerous objects (weapons, penknife, knives, large scissor Mobile phones, walkman’s, mini cassettes, electronic games and valuable objects), in school premises are totally prohibited.
  2. Smoking in side the building (By the parents/visitors/students and school staff) is prohibited.
  3. Walking around school building or class bunking from the student is prohibited.
  4. Not all the students have break at the same time, so they should walk around in order and silence. Walking around will be at the right side in the corridors and stairs up and down.
  5. It is forbidden to eat or drink in corridors. Stairs and in class during lesson. Students need to stay in class for lunch only in break time.
  6. It is forbidden to bring any cracker, spray paint, ink, balloons, rubber bands and all Such items, which helps the students for class disturbance.


  1. The students should always be quiet in class.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to walk around in class without the teacher’s permission.

During Break

  •  It is strictly forbidden to fight with each other, playing roughly with others and Rudeness should be avoided.
  • Every fight will be strictly punished.
  • At the end of the break, students should rapidly assemble in lines and be silent.
  • It is strictly forbidden to go up in the buildings during the breaks.
  •  It is strictly forbidden to stay in class after lunch during the break time.
  • The playground should be kept clean at the end of each break. The student may dustbins for avoid literning in ground.
  • The supervisor is assured by teachers at swings and in ground.

 A- Meals:

  1.  A canteen service is assured for the students in the playground. They should respect the queue for buying articles.
  2. Snacks and meals are to be taken in the break. It is forbidden to eat or drink in corridors or in classes. Students should eat healthy food.


Accordingly, the following items should be avoided:

  1. Chewing’s-gum, lollipops and other candies, tamarind.
  2. Very Chill drinks (like coca cola) etc and ice cream.

B- Health:

  1. Students should come to school (healthy and clean) after a good sleep. There will be regular inspections concerning to uniform. At the end of the day, teachers will make sure students leave the school in good shape.
  2. A Primary medical service or first aid is ensured in school’ Infirmary.
  3.  In case of illness, the Infirmary Incharge or H. M may send the student to hospital or home by calling his/her parents.
  4. Parents are asked to inform school about any contagious disease.


  1. Students should work quietly and silently in the library.
  2.  It is strictly forbidden to eat or drink inside the library.
  3.  It is strictly forbidden to go to the library during the break with out a written permission from the teacher.
  4. Any object that is destroyed by negligence or intentionally by a student should be paid by the parents.
  5. Any book damaged or lost by a student, should be paid by the parents Anywhere and under any circumstances, students and parents should respect the staff like teachers, supervisors, administrative or related to the maintenance. Students should not get friendly with the staff.


It is required from everyone to take care of the school’s furniture, electricity equipment and washroom equipment’s. To keep the equipment and education items in good shape is everyone’s responsibility. Any object destroyed by negligence or intentionally should be paid by the parents. The classrooms must be left clean and organized Security is also the responsibility of everybody, the fire extinguishers placed in the different floors of the school help to fight fire. It is


In case of disrespect of the school rules and regulations, the student will be reprimanded according to the following punishment scale: Corporal punishment is totally prohibited in the school.

  • Work during the weekends.
  • Student deprived from different activities.
  • Written warning signed by the parents.
  • Imposing massive fine.
  • Counseling of the parents.
  • Expulsion from the school.

Any sanction will be proportional to the committed mistake.

SLC Policy

SLC will be issued:
  1. Only on the written request after personal meeting of parents with the principal.
  2.  Within 30 days’ time period and once in a time without any fee. In case of duplicate or late apply Rs. 300/- will be charged as a duplicate/late apply fee.
  3. Within one week or on next day of the parent’s principal meeting. (If asked by the principal)
  4. By hand only to the parents/Guardian/authorized relative by the parents. Also sent via through TCS if parents are settled out of city and they requested for it.
  5. On providing the School Clearance Certificate and the clearance of the dues of the running month.
  • The student’s full security will be released only after dishing out month advance notice to quit from school at the end of the session the notice may be applied in February. Without applying one month earlier in advance notice. The security fee will be confiscated.
  • The Advance notice form will be available form the Admission office.
  • The security amount will be released within one month after issuing the SLC via cross cheque to parents only.
  • Once on issuing SLC if parents are requested to cancel it or willing for readmission then half admission fee will be charged as a readmission fee. Then new admission number will be allotted from new readmission date.
  1.                        The student’s remain absent from school from consecutive fifteen day without any intimation/application or prior approval of leaves shall be considered (SOS).
  2. The Fee defaulter of consecutive two months shall also be considered (SOS).
  3. The half admission fee will be charged as a readmission fee on re-joining the school.